Basic usage: lrpcg example.lrpc.yaml -o output-dir

For more info type lrpg --help


lrpcc is the LRPC client tool. A common use case of LRPC is to control a device running an LRPC server from a PC. This means the user must implement an LRPC client on the PC. lrpcc makes this very easy by constructing a client at runtime from the definition file and present itself as a CLI tool. lrpcc is installed as a command line tool with LRPC and can be called from any location.

Example: Given an LRPC definition with a function add inside the service math, taking two integers and returning one integer, the function can be called from the PC with the following command

lrpcc math add 3 7

and the result will printed to the console.

In order to work, lrpcc needs the following information

  • Location of the LRPC definition file
  • Information about the transport layer between PC and device

Since the command line arguments for lrpcc are reserved for the communication with the device, this information must be supplied by the user in the form of a configuration file with name lrpcc.config.yaml. lrpcc looks for this file in the current working directory and all subdirectories recursively and uses the first one it encounters. This means that you can put the lrpcc configuration file anywhere in your project structure and call lrpcc from your project root. Alternatively, you can have various different configurations and possibly different LRPC definitions in various subdirectories of your project. You can use any of them by simply navigating to the directory and call lrpcc from there.

lrpcc constructs a command line application with Click. This means that you can easily retrieve help about all available commands by just adding the --help flag.

If the file lrpcc.config.yaml is not found, lrpcc uses the file specified in the LRPCC_CONFIG environment variable.

Here is an example lrpcc.config.yaml file

definition_url: '../example.lrpc.yaml'
transport_type: 'serial'
  port: 'COM30'
  baudrate: 16384
  timeout: 2

The fields definition_url, transport_type and transport_params are required. definition_url is the path of the LRPC definition file and can be relative to lrpcc.config.yaml or an absolute path. The subfields of transport_params are passed as keyword arguments to the transport class. lrpcc uses pyserial for serial communication, so the transport_params can be any of the constructor parameters of the serial.Serial class. lrpcc currently only supports the serial transport type.